Are you one of those people who want peace of mind about everything that is important to you? Would you like somewhere secure to keep all your key information?
Do you have animals that would need looking after in their own special way if you couldn’t for any reason?
Would you like one secure place where you can keep all your important personal information and wishes?
Would you like to be able to nominate trusted family and friends to be able to access your important information in an emergency?
Answered YES to one or more of these questions? JOIN our Webinar on 24th November and get a FREE membership to solve all those problems!
Register for the My Online Safe Webinar now and receive a FREE membership!
This webinar will introduce My Online Safe to you. It’s an easy and secure way to store all those details to give you peace of mind wherever you are and whatever you are doing. The question is….Do you have 30 minutes to future proof your life?
We are giving away free membership for 12 months for the early movers and shakers who see the benefit in this for them. Is that you? If so sign up today, and if you are one of the first 50, you will get a free membership. What are you waiting for?